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Tyre Puncture Repairs

Tyre puncture repairs in Cheddar, Somerset

Do you think you have a puncture?

Your tyre may not be flat, but there are several signs that it may have a puncture:

  • Steering is becoming difficult - this is usually due to the tyre slowly deflating because it has sustained a slow puncture
  • The car is feeling wobbly or shuddery when driving
  • The car is veering to one side
  • A ticking noise - If the tyre has a nail/screw in it it may make a noise as it comes into contact with the road

We will check your tyre to determine if it can be repaired (which often they can). A puncture can only be repaired where the following criteria is met:

  • The puncture has occurred within the repairable zone (central three-quarters of the tyre).
  • The puncture is no more than 6mm diameter or length.
  • There is no other damage.
  • There is not more than one puncture within each quadrant of the tyre. (W, Z and Y speed rated tyres can be repaired to a maximum of three times).
  • The entry angle of the puncturing object does not allow for safe and proper seating of the stem and patch.
  • The tyre is of a suitable condition and age with appropriate tread depth.

We can come to you using our mobile service.

Call us now on 01934 742390